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Compare energy providers in the Netherlands (gas and electricity)

Compare energy prices and find the right energy deal for you

Sorting your utilities can be a drag when expatriating to another country. After moving to the Netherlands one of the utilities you would have to sort out is your electricity and gas supplier. But how do you go about doing this? How do the utility-companies work in the Netherlands? How do you get the best deal? In this article we provide an overview of how the utilities are organised as well as present some useful tips for finding the best suitable energy contract for your situation.

Utility companies are private enterprises

In the Netherlands, electricity and gas are managed and transported by regional operators. However, the energy providers are private companies distributing the utilities to consumers or businesses. The energy market has been liberalised in 2004 enabling you to choose or change energy suppliers and between various sorts of alternative sources such as solar, wind and/or water-powered and biomass. The market is regulated by the Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) in order to ensure fair practises and tariffs. However, remember that prices between energy suppliers may vary substantially.

TIP: Check with your rental provider or landlord if utilities are included in your rental contract. If it is, you are unable to change energy contracts yourself.

You won’t be sealed off from an energy contract

When switching energy contract you don’t have to worry about being shut off from electricity or gas. When switching, the energy suppliers are obliged to keep you connected to electricity and gas during the switch. Moreover, it is quite difficult for an energy supplier to cancel your contract. In fact, even if a energy supplier goes bankrupt, you will automatically be switched to another supplier in order to keep you connected.

There are only a few exceptions when a supplier is able to seal off your energy supply namely:

  • You failed repeatedly to pay your energy bills. After a missed payment you receive a mandatory reminder for your bills. You haven’t paid within the expiration term? Than you risk being shut off from electricity and gas.
  • You have committed fraud or abuse. For example: you have illegally syphoned electricity or gas.
  • If there is an unsafe situation such as a nearby gas leak.

So don’t worry: go ahead and switch contracts!

Why should I compare energy contracts? 

Switching between energy suppliers can save loads of money. There are many privatised energy suppliers, with varying prices and terms of conditions and prices change quite often. These price fluctuations provide ample opportunities to save money by selecting a cheaper contract.

However, many providers and even more price adjustments make the energy market quite complex. We created the energy comparison tool in order to provide a quick overview of all the current prices and types of contracts in order to simplify the search for the best price.

Compare energy providers in the Netherlands

TIP: with an existing energy contract, you are probably overpaying. By switching energy suppliers, you can save hundreds of euros per year.

Who are the energy companies?

Below are some of the main energy providers in the Netherlands:

  • Engie
  • Greenchoice
  • Eneco
  • Essent
  • Vattenfall
  • Oxxio
  • BudgetEnergie

What do you need when switching between energy suppliers?  

When switching between energy suppliers there are a few things you should keep in mind: 

1. Know your current energy supplier.
Select your current energy supplier in the comparison tool. When moving to the Netherlands, select ‘verhuizen’ (moving) instead. 

2. Fixed or indefinite term contract? 

Check if your current contract allows you to switch on a given date. With many energy contracts you receive a fine when switching before the term of the contract ends. Does your plan have an indefinite term? In this case you can switch anytime.

3. Know your energy consumption. 

Check your annual invoice and determine how much electricity and gas you have used in a year. Use these figures as input for our comparison tool. Alternatively, you can also select average usage figures based on number of people in a household.

Switching between energy suppliers

It only takes a few minutes to switch between energy suppliers.

  1. Compare energy tariffs from a number of providers.

  2. Choose the deal you want and click on ‘aanmelden’ (register).
  1. Put in a few confirmation details, like your direct debit and contact details.
  2. Click to confirm ‘aanmelden’ (register).

Your current contract will be cancelled within 10 working days and your new contract starts right away. You can cancel your new contract until up to 14 days afterwards.

Registering for a new contract

When moving to the Netherlands or having to register for a contract for the first time, the process is slightly different. When selecting a contract, select yes (‘ja’) for the moving option in the application form. Also, provide a starting date (‘Ingangsdatum’).

If relocating and you need to change contract urgently, you need to fill in ‘verhuizen’ (moving) at ‘huidige leverancier’ (current energy supplier). You now see certain suppliers with a blue box below the contract. This means that this supplier makes it possible to make it an urgent registration.

Please note that when relocating, you must cancel your current contract yourself. We cannot do this for you. You need to cancel your current plan by contacting your current supplier.

Have any questions? Contact us! 

Do you need help or want additional information? Call us on +31 342-411350. We are available on business days between 9:00-20:00 and on Saturday between 9:00-17:00. You can also send us an e-mail or WhatsApp message. 

Handy Dutch words to know:

Dutch word

English translation


Energy provider








Customer review

Type meter

Type of electricity of gas meter


Welcoming premium, reward

Per jaar, jaarkosten

Per year, yearly costs






Form of tariff: fixed or variable pricing


Personal data

Updated: 02-02-2023

Geactualiseerd: donderdag 2 februari 2023
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